Cinema Vet
Your pet’s health and well-being are our top priority.
Spaying and Neutering – How it Helps
Spaying or neutering your furry family member might seem cruel at first, but it is a necessary...
Overheating – How to Safeguard Your Pet
California summer has arrived! Families are firing up their grills, spending the day at Six Flags,...
Keep Your Pets Pest Free!
It seems like summer has taken a jump on us even though we are still in spring. But, for sure,...
You’re all packed and ready to hit the open road with Fido and Fluffy for your Thanksgiving journey?
You're all packed and ready to hit the open road with Fido and Fluffy for your Thanksgiving...
Here are the most common symptoms of diabetes in dogs:
If you know the signs and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, you can recognize the problem between...
Here are six things you absolutely have to know before owning a puppy…
Thinking about a holiday puppy? Did you know it can poop in the house, cost money, and shed all...
Read 7 ways to have more fun while walking your dog!
7 ways to have more fun while walking your dog:
Cats randomly refuse to follow orders just to prove they can!
Cats randomly refuse to follow orders just to prove they can!
Find out for your pet which plants are safe, kept out of reach, or avoided entirely!
If you are planning to bring holiday foliage into your home this season, you need to know which...
Schedule a Consultation Today
Keep your pet healthy
With a wellness visit
At these wellness visits, or "Annual Exams", Dr. Jaimie Ronchetto and Dr. Amber Wheelbarger may pick up on a concern early that might otherwise go undiagnosed or untreated.
Preventative health care is the best way to give your pet a healither, happier life! Our Annual Exam Package includes the wellness exam, a fecal test and a heartworm test.
Both of these tests are recommended yearly to help prevent spread of disease!