Pet-Friendly Gardens

Pet-Friendly Gardens

Here in beautiful California, we have some of the best weather for planting gardens. Whether you are working out your planting schedule or just enjoying the gardens sprouting up around you, there are some cautions every pet owner should take to protect their pets from...
Prevent Lyme Disease

Prevent Lyme Disease

May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month. It is the time of year we wish to raise awareness of ticks and the disease they cause in pets, particularly in dogs. While a dog can be infected from a tick bite any time of year, ticks thrive in warm weather. And we have...
Heartworm Prevention in Santa Clarita

Heartworm Prevention in Santa Clarita

Veterinarians across the U.S. dedicate April as the month to raise awareness of the importance of Heartworm prevention. Although Santa Clarita is a low-risk area for Heartworm Disease, we have diagnosed dogs with heartworm at our veterinary center. What is Heartworm...
March is Pet Poison Prevention Month

March is Pet Poison Prevention Month

Preventative health care is the best way to give your pet a healthier, happier life! Knowing what the common pet poisons might be around your pet is crucial as a pet parent. And along with the start of spring, there are more poisons your pet can be exposed to from...
Pet Dental Health at Cinema Vet

Pet Dental Health at Cinema Vet

Pet dental health is essential for your pet’s overall health and longevity. Although cavities are less common in pets than in people, they can have some of the same dental problems that people can develop. Pet Dental Health Month February is National Pet Dental...
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