Latest News
Your pet’s health and well-being are our top priority.

Wellness Visits at Cinema Vet Santa Clarita
We recommend yearly wellness visits for all pets – even healthy ones! For senior pets (over seven...

Pet Disaster Preparation
We are all too familiar with natural disasters here in Santa Clarita, California, dealing with...

Therapeutic Laser Treatment
No Surgery, No Drugs Therapeutic laser treatment is also referred to as low-level laser therapy,...

A Deadly Virus for Rabbits – RHD
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) is a deadly virus affecting rabbits. Information and treatment...

Spaying and Neutering – How it Helps
Spaying or neutering your furry family member might seem cruel at first, but it is a necessary...

Overheating – How to Safeguard Your Pet
California summer has arrived! Families are firing up their grills, spending the day at Six Flags,...