Cinema Vet
Your pet’s health and well-being are our top priority.
10 Summer Travel Tips for Your Pets
Summer is here in beautiful SoCal! While summers here are generally fantastic, it can be nice to...
Pet-Friendly Gardens
Here in beautiful California, we have some of the best weather for planting gardens. Whether you...
Prevent Lyme Disease
May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month. It is the time of year we wish to raise awareness of...
Heartworm Prevention in Santa Clarita
Veterinarians across the U.S. dedicate April as the month to raise awareness of the importance of...
March is Pet Poison Prevention Month
Preventative health care is the best way to give your pet a healthier, happier life! Knowing what...
Pet Dental Health at Cinema Vet
Pet dental health is essential for your pet's overall health and longevity. Although cavities are...
Dog Training – New Beginnings for Young and Old Dogs
National Train Your Dog Month is here, and it can mean new beginnings for both young and old dogs....
Celebrate Christmas with Your Pets
Christmas music is playing, and holiday lights are going up. You can't help but get into the mood...
Wellness Visits at Cinema Vet Santa Clarita
We recommend yearly wellness visits for all pets – even healthy ones! For senior pets (over seven...
Schedule a Consultation Today
Keep your pet healthy
With a wellness visit
At these wellness visits, or "Annual Exams", Dr. Jaimie Ronchetto and Dr. Amber Wheelbarger may pick up on a concern early that might otherwise go undiagnosed or untreated.
Preventative health care is the best way to give your pet a healither, happier life! Our Annual Exam Package includes the wellness exam, a fecal test and a heartworm test.
Both of these tests are recommended yearly to help prevent spread of disease!